Sarà presentato in anteprima alla Festa del Cinema di Roma, martedì 18 ottobre, “The Accountant”, il film di Gavin O’ Connor, al cinema dal 27 ottobre.
Un red carpet pieno di star per la première del filmche si è tenuta ieri a Los Angeles: oltre a Ben Affleck, protagonista nel ruolo di Christian Wolff, genio della matematica che lavora sotto copertura in uno studio di una piccola città di provincia come contabile per alcune organizzazioni criminali, fanno parte del cast del film l’attrice candidata all’Oscar Anna Kendrick, il premio Oscar J.K. Simmons, Jon Bernthal, Jean Smart, e Cynthia Addai-Robinson, ed inoltre Jeffrey Tambor e il due volte candidato all’Oscar John Lithgow.
Ecco di seguito le foto della première.
Anna Kendrick seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
J.K. Simmons, Anna Kendrick, Ben Affleck, Cynthia Addai-Robinson and John Lithgow seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Seth Lee, Izzy Fenech and Jake Presley seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Brooke Burns and Director/Executive Producer Gavin O’Connor seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Ben Affleck seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Ben Affleck seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Ben Affleck seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Director/Executive Producer Gavin O’Connor and Ben Affleck seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Producer Lynette Howell Taylor seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Cynthia Addai-Robinson seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
John Lithgow seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
J.K. Simmons and Michelle Schumacher seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Anna Kendrick seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Anna Kendrick seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
J.K. Simmons, Anna Kendrick, Ben Affleck, Cynthia Addai-Robinson and John Lithgow seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Director/Executive Producer Gavin O’Connor, J.K. Simmons, Anna Kendrick, Ben Affleck, Cynthia Addai-Robinson and John Lithgow seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Anna Kendrick and Ben Affleck seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Cynthia Addai-Robinson and John Lithgow seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
J.K. Simmons and Cynthia Addai-Robinson seen at the Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ “The Accountant” to benefit the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater on Monday, Oct. 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Warner Bros./AP Images)
Christian Wolff (Affleck) è un matematico autistico che ha più affinità con i numeri che con le persone. Lavora sotto copertura in uno studio di una piccola città di provincia, come contabile freelance per alcune delle organizzazioni criminali più pericolose del mondo. Messo sotto pressione da Ray King (J.K. Simmons), capo della divisione anti-crimine del Dipartimento del Tesoro, Christian assume l’incarico di un nuovo cliente: una società di robotica d’avanguardia in cui un’ addetta alla contabilità (Anna Kendrick) ha scoperto un ammanco nei conti di milioni di dollari. Non appena Christian individua le falsificazioni dei documenti avvicinandosi alla verità, il numero delle vittime inizia ad aumentare.