Un’altra colonna sonora che ha sfiorato la statuetta questo Il curioso caso di Benjamin Button, toni da fiaba dark e musica d’ampio respiro per il compositore Alexandre Desplat che sforna 23 tracce veramente suggestive che in questo doppio album si affiancano ad un secondo CD formato compilation con le canzoni che hanno accompagnato la bizzarra evoluzione del curioso personaggio interpretato da Brad Pitt.
Nella seconda compilation grandi classici del passato che accompagnano il protagonista in spericolati duetti attraverso le varie epoche in una sorta di viaggio temporal-musicale all’insegna della nostalgia, tra gli interpreti il grande Louis Armstrong.
Track listings-CD1:
2-Mr. Gateau
3-Meeting Daisy
4-A new life
5-Love in Murmansk
6-Meeting again
8-Little man Oti
9-Alone at night
10-It was nice to met you
11-Children’s games
12-Submarine attack
13-The Hummingbird
14-The sunrise on Lake Pont Chartrain
15-Daisy’s ballet career
16-The accident
17-Stay out of my life
19-Some things you never forget
20-Growing younger
21-Dying away
22-Love returns
23-Benjamin and Daisy
Track listings CD2:
1-My name is Benjamin (Benjamin Button)
2-We shall walk trough the streets of the city (Doc Paulin’s marching street)
3-Some days i feel different (Queenie & Benjamin Button)
4-Ostrich walk (Frank Trumbauer and his orchestra)
5-How old are you? (Benjamin Button & The preacher)
6-When was the last time you had a woman? (Benjamin Button & captain mike)
7-Freight train blues traditional (Billie e DeDe Pierce)
8-Basin street blues (Preservation Hall jazz band)
9-Thanksgiving 1930 (Benjamin Button)
10-It’s could be with you (Louis Armstrong)
11-What’s your secret (captain Mike e Benjamin Button)
12-Chanson sur staline (Choeur de la cathedral de la Rue Daru)
13-A date which will live in infamy… (Franklin Delano Roosevelt,1941)
14-Arabesque for piano
15-Coming home (Benjamin Button)
16-Out of nowhere (Sidney Bechet)
17-Dear old Southland (Louis Armstrong)
18-Defined by opportunities (benjamin Button)