Venerdì prossimo approda nelle sale italiane l’avventuroso I Tre Moschettieri, classico cappa e spada in 3D rivisitato dallo specialista in cinegame Paul WS Anderson, che esalta il lato action del quartetto di spadaccini e trasforma Milla Jovovich in una letale Milady de Winter. Dopo il salto trovate cover e track-list completa della colonna sonora disponibile dal 18 ottobre e le consuete clip musicali con il singolo ufficiale When We Were Young dei Take That. La parte strumentale dello score è stata affidata all’australiano Paul Haslinger all’attivo per lui la trilogia action-horror Underworld e il Death Race con Jason Statham.
1. Only Four Men– Paul Haslinger
2. Special Delivery for the King– Paul Haslinger
3. Buckingham’s Departure– Paul Haslinger
4. All for One– Paul Haslinger
5. Do You Know Who I Am– Paul Haslinger
6, As Far Away As Possible– Paul Haslinger
7. The King and Queen– Paul Haslinger
8. Announcing Lady De Winter– Paul Haslinger
9. Concealed Weapons Tango– Paul Haslinger
10. Get Me One of Those– Paul Haslinger
11. The Venice Heist– Paul Haslinger
12. She Died the Way She Lived– Paul Haslinger
13. I Hate Air Travel– Paul Haslinger
14. Rochefort Ante Portas– Paul Haslinger
15. Open Fire– Paul Haslinger
16. A Chance to Escape– Paul Haslinger
17. Round Two– Paul Haslinger
18. If You Insist– Paul Haslinger
19. You Should Have Apologized to My Horse
– Paul Haslinger
20. Boys Will Be Boys– Paul Haslinger
21. The World Calls to Be Young– Paul Haslinger
22. To France, of Course– Paul Haslinger
23. When We Were Young– Take That